Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stand and Deliver!

Last night parent after parent chronicled very personal trials and tribulations the public shame has cast upon our city and more importantly our children. At one point Ms. Laura Shoemaker, a local community activist was brought to tears after hearing a passionate plea from a young student request that the board members assume their roles as elected public servants and listen to the will of the people. Teachers, support staff, parents, and concerned citizens demanded an accounting of the lack of due diligence in questioning the inaction of the CSA during the certification crisis. It was very disturbing to view the insensitive manner in which the board president discounted the veracity of the poignant commentary. The boorish behavior exhibited by the CSA during the "privilege of the floor" session substantiated the publics' assertions of arrogance and a total lack of commitment to providing a thorough and efficient education to the students of Plainfield. When the intensity of the questioning overwhelmed the superintendent he reverted to a powerless bully hurling condescending epithets at the commentators. He glared often in a menacingly manner in a futile attempt to redirect questions rather than answer them honestly and without reservation.

I have never felt more disappointed about being an adult than I did last evening. While it was a very humbling experience it compelled  me to vow to increase my personal involvement in this struggle and advocate for the rights of our students. As an employee of the board of education it is quite difficult to keep my composure at public forums but I cannot sit idly by and witness the shameful acts of the leaders of our district do absolutely nothing because of fear of retribution. My only recourse is to continue writing under a pseudonym until the will of the people is heard! We will continue the struggle to provide stability in the district and build an efficacious academic environment ultimately, reestablishing a tenor of civility and respect where we can truly be about the business of educating the children.


  1. First, let me say that I love your blog. It's nice to read a voice of reason. I too was at the meeting, as you have posted. I'm not sure if I was the one brought to tears but I was definitely ready to cry. Dr. Gallon has disrepected so many for so long, and although I demanded an apology the other night, I knew I wouldn't get one.

    As for his failure to answer questions, I'm not surprised. He hasn't answered any questions I've asked of him since he arrived in the district.

    I guess I'll give you the pleasure of breaking this news: stay tuned on Tuesday or Wens. of next week for the follow-up segment to Shame on You.


    Laura Shoemaker

    P.S. If you ever have a question you want asked but are afraid of retailiation, please feel free to e-mail it to me at lshoemaker @

  2. Thank you I have taken note of your journey through our educational system and must commend you for your resolve. I will continue my rail against the inappropriate actions of the superintendent and board of education. I hope that everyone follows the reconstruction of the school system because the superintendent lacks morality and is unethical.
