Sunday, April 11, 2010

Never Forget

Despite the challenges faced by the Plainfield Public Schools, the work on behalf of our students and staff, and the overall advancement of the District continue. This work must never be neglected for things that wont’ help a child to read, solve mathematical equations, appreciate the arts, athletics, and science, and become better human beings. - Steve Gallon

Perception becomes reality if one is not aware of the truth. It is unfathomable to believe anything Gallon says because he is a proven liar. He has lied publicly on more than one occasion which is a true reflection of his lack of character. This morning I am disgusted to read that in the Board Agenda for the April 13, 2010, public meeting includes a hastily completed Corrective Action Plan. That the plan was conceived without the collaboration of anyone except Gallon's team is reflective of his inconsistent leadership style, However, whomever they were, it is a clear indication that the superficial plan is no more than a farce. The district has become a top down management design which is diametrically opposed to what administrators are taught in graduate school. It has been this way ever since Gallon was hired as the CSA. He is an arrogant and classless individual fits whose public displays of fits of anger has become synonymous with his leadership style . He continues to bamboozle the public with inconsistencies and inaccurate statements  but his latest attempt to "slip one past everyone" is dishonest. L. Borge and L. Kelly are included in the board agenda without any job posting is illegal. There should be a job posting which would give any potential candidate with the requisite qualifications to also compete for the job. These two individuals have been reporting to work between the hours of 9:30 and 10:00 every single day and they leave for lunch many times without even returning which gives a pretty good account of their poor work ethic. This also  illustrates their contempt for the citizens and students of Plainfield.  

The PEA leadership has spoken out and challenged the actions of the board members and the CSA but where does PASA stand in all of this? Silence at this time equals complicity and it is a sad display of leadership. The administrators have an obligation to the children and parents of Plainfield and not the superintendent or the board of education. Gallon continues to use his association with PASA as a pawn in his web of deceit while, all the time, continuing his diabolical plan to subvert the true leadership of this district. Gallon is very aware of the men and women who have developed deep rooted relationships with the students and parents of Plainfield. It is unfortunate that the administrators don't realize that he is a small minded individual who is attempting to run the district through intimidation and fear. Gallon has seized upon the administrators fear and is capitalizing on their hesitancy to do what is morally right!


  1. You have so eloquently described Gallon to a tee. He likes to make speeches and write letters about being focused on "this body of work". All of that to move the spotlight away from his lies, his deceit, and his lack of integrity and professionalism.

  2. Yes, but he will be held accountable as he has done to so many of us!

  3. I feel great excitement in the air. The kindest thing Dr. Gallon could do for the citizens of Plainfield would be to graciously pack his things and leave along with his back up singers from Miami.
