Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Scales of Justice

The citizens of Plainfield must not allow the recent decision by the board of education members to terminate the contracts of L. Kelly and L. Borge to supplant the quest for truth. Regardless of the tactics Gallon may utilize at this particular juncture, any attempts to derail the will of the people will be met with unending resolve. The CSA touts himself as an educational leader when in fact he is a pompous bully intent on developing his vitae at the expense of the students. Unsubstantiated rumor permeates the school district and the looming legal action, questions the motives of the CSA who through his actions denigrates the Plainfield Public School system, its students, parents, administrators, teachers, and community members. Dave Matthau of 101.5 reported that Governor Christie has, “ instructed Commissioner Schundler to look at what options he has as Commissioner of Education- to take disciplinary action against the Superintendent - and to work in conjunction with the board of education there- to get to the bottom of why he thought he could possibly get away with something like that - and whether or not that now gives us a window into the judgment of the person they hired for Superintendent." 

At a recent forum, hosted by the Plainfield League of Women Voters the bizarre analysis of the current state of educational affairs offered by the incumbents was quite unnerving. Martin Coxs’ ridiculous suggestion of providing space to charter schools causes one to question his knowledge of the serious implications of offering space to the very schools that are directly competing for the students of Plainfield. We cannot discount the fact that the people who are opening these charter schools are not residents of the city. They are no different from the individuals we hired from Miami; they have no stake in what truly happens it is a financial opportunity, no more no less. Inquiring minds want to know if Cox’s pronouncement reveals a nefarious element. Is there something amiss Mr. Cox? Consider that this man has been a lifelong board member and has made countless imbecilic decisions. He is an absolute embarrassment and must be removed. The actions of Mr. Estevez, have mirrored the unconscionable decisions of his "partner in crime" Mr. Cox. Estevez has been an abysmal member and under no terms should he return to the board. Honestly, where has he  (Estevez) been the past two years?  Mark Spivey attended the forum and reported, "the forum suggested that the election could determine whether Gallon keeps his job. All 14 candidates during the forum were asked to list three of their top priorities if voted into office, and nine of them … Abdul-Haqq, Burgwinkle, Callands, Campbell, Edwards, Fletcher, Hernandez, Pile and Riley … said they would seek to terminate the superintendent immediately, consider replacing him or take a careful look at his contract." 

The time has come for our community to demand removal of the superintendent and scrutinize his pending proposals and attempts to restructure the school system. His apparent rambunctious appointment of a former principal of one of the local charter schools is an example of his inability to provide fiduciary management of public funds. The salary of $127,000.00 is horrendous when you factor in that there are current administrators who could have filled that position easily and without adding additional personnel to the payroll. Gallon refused to interview any district candidates even though there are many individuals in district who are more than qualified. It is also quite ironic when one considers that while Gallon arrogantly refused to adhere to state statute and code he hired personnel lacking the requisite certification. I might add, that the recently hired principal of an elementary school, was mentioned as possibly being involved with changing test scores when the Trenton Public School System employed him. The fact that he did not earn tenure in Trenton Public Schools, another struggling school district is an indication "where there is smoke there is fire." 

Doris Williams is being paid approximately $50,000.00 per year to do what? Just what is her job and why did the board approve the superintendent’s request that she be enticed out of retirement? This is not personal but truly reflects a lack of fidelity managing state funds when you consider there are many administrators working in the district who could do whatever she does or does not do.  However, what is most disheartening is that the damage inflicted upon our school district because of the irresponsible actions of the board of education members and the superintendent of schools will take years to reconstruct.  To provide the types of schools our children deserve we must remain undaunted in our resolve demanding the immediate removal of Steve Gallon and Angela Kemp without equivocation.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stand and Deliver!

Last night parent after parent chronicled very personal trials and tribulations the public shame has cast upon our city and more importantly our children. At one point Ms. Laura Shoemaker, a local community activist was brought to tears after hearing a passionate plea from a young student request that the board members assume their roles as elected public servants and listen to the will of the people. Teachers, support staff, parents, and concerned citizens demanded an accounting of the lack of due diligence in questioning the inaction of the CSA during the certification crisis. It was very disturbing to view the insensitive manner in which the board president discounted the veracity of the poignant commentary. The boorish behavior exhibited by the CSA during the "privilege of the floor" session substantiated the publics' assertions of arrogance and a total lack of commitment to providing a thorough and efficient education to the students of Plainfield. When the intensity of the questioning overwhelmed the superintendent he reverted to a powerless bully hurling condescending epithets at the commentators. He glared often in a menacingly manner in a futile attempt to redirect questions rather than answer them honestly and without reservation.

I have never felt more disappointed about being an adult than I did last evening. While it was a very humbling experience it compelled  me to vow to increase my personal involvement in this struggle and advocate for the rights of our students. As an employee of the board of education it is quite difficult to keep my composure at public forums but I cannot sit idly by and witness the shameful acts of the leaders of our district do absolutely nothing because of fear of retribution. My only recourse is to continue writing under a pseudonym until the will of the people is heard! We will continue the struggle to provide stability in the district and build an efficacious academic environment ultimately, reestablishing a tenor of civility and respect where we can truly be about the business of educating the children.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time to change!

This morning on 101.5 fm the Governor was questioned about what he planned to do about the quagmire in Plainfield Public Schools regarding the O.F.A.C. Report to which he replied," we're not going to let it continue…previously this stuff may have been permitted to go on, but we're not permitting it to go on in this administration - and Commissioner Schunder is being very aggressive about this….the people of Plainfield and the people of the state of New Jersey should be assured that we will take action to stop this type of wasteful spending." Governor Christie

This is not an occasion for joyous revelation but a time to reflect upon mistakes made and to examine precautionary steps we can implement guaranteeing such a disgraceful act from ever occurring again. It is a debacle that should never have happened in the first place. For a moment lets take a journey back in time...............

Monday June 30, 2008  M. Pellum opines in her Blog.....
"A waiting apprehensive staff and a community that so far has been disenfranchised from all schools matters is not exactly the best way to make an entrance, but these are some of the challenges that await Dr. Steve Gallon III.

On the positive light, he already has those of us who are looking forward to his arrival. His arrival might be just what our school district needs to move forward."


"Dr. Gallon III will have to see how all the figures end up playing on the big board and hopefully he will bring some reform to what appears to many of us, here and everywhere else in NJ, like a waste of our tax dollars. A reform that will ultimately support our hard working teachers and that will benefit our students."

Tuesday April 13, 2010 

Little did we know what disastrous implications portended with the introduction of the Steve Gallon III leadership style. If we only knew then what we know now, would we have truly benefitted from such knowledge? I raise the question as we stand at the precipice of monumental change or a state takeover. The question which I pose to the board of education members, who have brought the entire district to the brink of disaster, is simply why? There is not a board member sitting at the dais who is exempt for tough questioning and the public deserves answers. The fact of the matter is that there were indications the CSA was in over his head when the master schedules were forced to be changed to accommodate the implementation of a tracking system without a discussion with an administrators as to what were the implications of such a plan. The Gallon leadership style consisted of doing what one was told, no more no less. The results of such nonsensical excoriations are still in effect as we have classes with too many students, no books, no curriculum, and a demoralized staff.

The Gallon principle consisted of sleight of hand machinations and duplicitous directives. Yes, a masterful display of illusion which destroyed years of hard work and steady improvement. Certainly, it would less than truthful to state that we were at a level of perfection but it was not as bad as has been articulated by the superintendent. In fact, he has claimed ownership to positive outcomes that are the result of work done under the tutelage of Dr. Larry Leverett, Dr. Paula Howard, and Mr. Peter Carter. Gallon's pompous pontification of "how great I art" bears close examination and is just another example of a dishonest character flaw. However, there is enough blame to be spread throughout the school district. Ms. Rivers, the ex president of the board of education stated publicly at a recent meeting, "all of the blame for what has happened is not only Dr. Gallon's fault. We all (board of education members) have to accept some of the blame....", what an understatement. The board is complicit in this horrible sham and must be held accountable. We must never forget............

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Never Forget

Despite the challenges faced by the Plainfield Public Schools, the work on behalf of our students and staff, and the overall advancement of the District continue. This work must never be neglected for things that wont’ help a child to read, solve mathematical equations, appreciate the arts, athletics, and science, and become better human beings. - Steve Gallon

Perception becomes reality if one is not aware of the truth. It is unfathomable to believe anything Gallon says because he is a proven liar. He has lied publicly on more than one occasion which is a true reflection of his lack of character. This morning I am disgusted to read that in the Board Agenda for the April 13, 2010, public meeting includes a hastily completed Corrective Action Plan. That the plan was conceived without the collaboration of anyone except Gallon's team is reflective of his inconsistent leadership style, However, whomever they were, it is a clear indication that the superficial plan is no more than a farce. The district has become a top down management design which is diametrically opposed to what administrators are taught in graduate school. It has been this way ever since Gallon was hired as the CSA. He is an arrogant and classless individual fits whose public displays of fits of anger has become synonymous with his leadership style . He continues to bamboozle the public with inconsistencies and inaccurate statements  but his latest attempt to "slip one past everyone" is dishonest. L. Borge and L. Kelly are included in the board agenda without any job posting is illegal. There should be a job posting which would give any potential candidate with the requisite qualifications to also compete for the job. These two individuals have been reporting to work between the hours of 9:30 and 10:00 every single day and they leave for lunch many times without even returning which gives a pretty good account of their poor work ethic. This also  illustrates their contempt for the citizens and students of Plainfield.  

The PEA leadership has spoken out and challenged the actions of the board members and the CSA but where does PASA stand in all of this? Silence at this time equals complicity and it is a sad display of leadership. The administrators have an obligation to the children and parents of Plainfield and not the superintendent or the board of education. Gallon continues to use his association with PASA as a pawn in his web of deceit while, all the time, continuing his diabolical plan to subvert the true leadership of this district. Gallon is very aware of the men and women who have developed deep rooted relationships with the students and parents of Plainfield. It is unfortunate that the administrators don't realize that he is a small minded individual who is attempting to run the district through intimidation and fear. Gallon has seized upon the administrators fear and is capitalizing on their hesitancy to do what is morally right!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It is time to take back our schools!

According to NJSBA regulations, in order to recall a board member, a group must establish a recall committee and file a notice of intention with the board secretary. That committee has to have a petition signed by 25 percent of the vot ers who voted in the district’s most re cent election. A majority vote then must be attained in the next district election. The recent actions and public statements by the board of education members and superintendent indicate neither deserve of a vote of confidence from students, staff, teachers, administrators, parents, community members and the citizens of Plainfield. We are initiating a writing campaign to the current State Board of Education members listed below as we begin to take back our schools. Please send a letter to the state representatives [listed below] voicing your concerns about the state of education in the city of Plainfield.

Appointed in 2004
Fanwood, Union County

Appointed in 1990
Pitman, Gloucester County

Appointed in 2002
Hillsborough, Somerset County

Appointed in 2007
Toms River, Ocean County

Appointed in 2008
Holmdel, Monmouth County

Appointed in 2004
West New York, Hudson County

Appointed in 2008
Flemington, Hunterdon County

Appointed in 2009
Englewood Cliffs, Bergen County

Appointed in 2008
West Orange, Essex County

The current board agenda reflects, as a recommendation in the state mandated correction plan, the addition of Borge and Kelly to positions that their certificates allow. This is an act of egregiousness that must be challenged by all thinking people. Mr. Gallon is not acting in the best interest of the students and we demand his immediate termination as he is only concerned with continuing his decadent rule of oppression.

The New Jersey State Board of Education Representatives

The requirements and format to recall board members.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Of course I am telling the truth......

Plainfield Public Schools have been represented by a motley group of unintelligent and uneducated people who masquerade as representatives of the Board of Education. It is the incomprehensible and thoughtless judgements of M. Cox, L. Cathcart and B. Rivers exhibited during the hiring process of Steve Gallon and his bevy of non-certificated staff members that epitomizes the actions of a dunderhead. It was foolhardy judgment to hire such an inexperienced person for the position of superintendent of Plainfield Public Schools without first exposing the proposed candidate to a comprehensive vetting process. The fact this did not occur depicts the actions of a school board that considers themselves above the law and is completely out of touch with the electorate. There are veteran superintendents in the state of New Jersey who have served in their respective positions as CSA's and are paid between $130,000.00 and $200,000.00. Yet, the Plainfield board of education members agreed to pay a salary of $198,000.00 plus incentives to an unproven administrator whose highest level of employment in the Miami-Dade County Public School system was as a district administrator. It was unconscionable to pay anyone such an obscene amount of money when you consider that under his principalship, his high school received between a D and an F average rating by the state department of education during his tenure. Unconfirmed allegations of additional improprieties have lingered but the fact remains that there is enough "data" indicating he is not the man for the job of the CSA of the Plainfield Public School system.

The public protestations of innocence by M. Cox, L. Cathcart and B. Rivers sickens me the most as these people were selected by the citizens of Plainfield to represent the students and their interests without exception. They do not serve at the whim of the superintendent actually, the CSA reports to the board. When we scrutinize the actions of the board during the last two years it becomes apparent that members of the board have been less than forthright in the manner which they conduct school business. Obviously, some school board members may offer a countervailing perspective on school governance and the relationship between school board members and the superintendent. It certainly seems, in Plainfield, as if our CSA all too often attempts to exert control and thinks his decisions must not be questioned or challenged by anyone. Troubling as this may be and with unlimited negative press coverage our present board members have bartered their responsibilities in exchange for personal adulation.

Ex-Board president B. Rivers incoherently rambled at a recent meeting that all of the board members should accept some of the blame and it was not fair to blame Steve Gallon. I am disturbed with her inaccurate analysis because the superintendent is making in excess of $200,000.00 not to make mistakes. While he has been given the latitude to hire and fire at whim Gallon is exempt from making mistakes but he prompted to tyrannically imposes impossible demands upon others. The analogy provided is mind boggling but welcome to the world of a PPS educator; where we are held to higher measure than the CSA. Ms. Rivers continued her irrational whine with unsubstantiated banal commentary, " this can be a learning experience," Rivers said, noting that while the board generally steers clear of interfering with the day-to-day operations of the district, it does perform evaluations on staff who control those operations. "From this point on, I think any person that's hired in a high position here, board members are going to be in that (human resources) office looking at records," Rivers said. "This will never happen again." Rivers declined to talk at length about some specifics of the report, but she urged residents to read it."People are looking at it like it was negative, but if you read the whole report, you will see that everything that is in it is correct," Rivers said. "It's not that bad. This report is not that bad." Imagine, our ex-board president, there is little wonder why our district is spinning out of control. The report is not bad? Obviously, I must have missed something, certainly there is no problem with salaries at $100,000.00 being paid to people without state required certification. The interesting point is that when the board of education members experienced a similar certification malfunction a few years ago the same trio, Mr. Cox, Mr. Cathcart and Ms. Rivers begged forgiveness and promised never to put our district in jeopardy again. Well........what happened?

By the way, M. Pellum has completely lost all credibility as a concerned citizen who advocates for a thorough and efficient public education for all students. Her most recent diatribe reflects personal attacks against the former H.R. Director and infatuated support for, the ex-president, Ms. Rivers. M. Pellum has become a political hack and personal scribe for Steve Gallon and has no relevance in addressing the issues that affect our community.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Wizard of Plainfield

The saga continues and the leadership in PPS continues to remain silent. In a recent interview with David Matthau [101.5] Steve Gallon stated, "I'm not analyzing the positions that they're applying for- they have to make a determination at the district level, and at the state level for what the qualifications are…if we allow 2, 5,10, 25 individuals to be an albatross on this district from doing the work we have to do - then we are all complicit in this!" The superintendent refuses to address the needs of the community who are upset with his irrational behavior and disrespectful tenor usually directed at anyone who poses a question or seems to challenge him. There is a widening disconnect between the CSA and the community he is charged to serve which illustrates his lack of communicative acumen necessary to move the school district beyond the initiatives in place prior to his arrival. In the face of dire fiduciary challenges there has been no discussion between the superintendent and the stakeholders as to the most effective manner to lead the school district. In fact, Steve Gallon misread the sophistication of the community and arrogantly applied a "business model" to an educational challenge. We are not constructing students on an assembly line and the fact of the matter is that our responsibility is to create an inquiry based environment that supports the educational pursuits of children. The CSA has completely debased the community which he has been hired to serve through his irresponsible ramblings and ill-timed temper tantrums. His analysis of the motives of the community in this matter is disingenuous because there are more than "a handful of people" demanding accountability from the Chief School Administrator.

Steve Gallon has remained steadfast in his intimidating and vindictive management style which has led to the poor image of the school district being cast throughout the state and there is little indication that he plans to change. While state officials seem stymied a NJ radio station, 101.5, has hammered away at state officials in an attempt to intervene and put an end to the malarkey. The CSA, Steve Gallon has demonstrated irresponsible fiscal responsibility and must be held accountable for his underhanded dealings with certification issues and duplicitous hiring practices. The maelstrom is fueled by inept board members who are also complicit in this charade which is indicated in the comments of board member, Mr. Martin Cox , who recently affirmed in a public debate, "I remain a supporter of Dr. Gallon." The web of deceit that is being spun by Gallon and the Gang of 5 threatens to drag the school community through an extended public nightmare in which the needs of the students seem to have no advocates. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain because the time has come for all people to refocus and demand that the needs of the students receive immediate attention. Until then , "we are off to see the wizard...the shameful wizard of PPS.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Corrective Action Plan

Last night I witnessed a calamitous, bumbling, stumbling and embarrassing "shell game" portrayal [now you see it now you don't] with crass distinction, led by Plainfield Public Schools board of education members and its Chief School Administrator. The spectacle was a feeble attempt by political incumbents to misrepresent their lack of involvement in a dysfunctional certification process which occurred in November 2009. The CSA double-talked and did not address the disheartening results of the official OFAC Report with any clarity in fact, he declared state mandated directives as nothing more than recommendations. The board members tried to navigate through the political minefield blaming anyone and everyone but their act was no more than fodder for the untiring citizens who attended the Board of Education meeting late last evening. Even more appalling was the notification that the release date of the District Corrective Action will not be available until after the Board of Education election. As I sat in the audience last evening reassuring myself that I had not been transported to the "Twilight Zone" I could only shake my head in disgust at the level of buffoonery exhibited by Mr. Cox and Mr. Estevez. Parents, students and concerned taxpayers were unmoved by the charade of feign contempt exhibited by both board members in response to insightful and thought provoking questions raised by the public. In fact, it was the failure of the Board of Education members to protect the rights of the students, parents, and the image of the school community through the certification process that fueled the intense questioning.

I wondered what these individuals were thinking when the appointments of the two non-certificated employees were presented to the board of education? It was as if the members were not involved with the process at all which does contradict Mr. Cox's declaration, made during a recent public debate, where he confided, " I do not rubber stamp the requests of the superintendent I question everything that needs to be questioned." That this board member feels no accountability for such a blatant act of incompetence is incredulous. Where has he been during the past 8 months? Did Mr. Cox or Mr. Estevez even question the lack of certification of the individuals cited in the O.F.A.C. report? Honestly, the actions or inactions of the board members seem not only malfeasant but an abrogation of their respective duties as public servants. Mr. Cox and Mr. Estevez went through an all too similar debacle under another superintendence which also embroiled the district in a public shaming and they desire reelection......are you kidding us?

101.5 Interview with Steve Gallon III

Please examine the O.F.A.C Report [listed below] in its entirety and comment if you feel a need to do so.

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's a Shame

In many ways Plainfield Public Schools (PPS) have become reduced to a rudderless, leaderless, and ineffective educational community. The members of the Plainfield Board of Education (BOE), superintendent and his cabinet are in violation of adhering to the basic tenets of the district mission statement, "the Plainfield Public Schools, in partnership with its community, shall do whatever it takes for every student to achieve high academic standards. No alibis No excuses No exceptions." It is quite sobering when one considers the CSA [Chief School Administrator] has no desire to model what he demands from others yet, is content to dazzle all with duplicitousness and self promotion. While, financial improprieties have contributed to the largesse the members of the BOE refuse to demand accountability from the CSA. In fact, it is his arrogance and blatant disregard to provide a thorough and efficient education to the students of PPS that is quite troubling. The BOE members have been complicit in the act of malfeasance and dereliction of duty magnified by their earnestness to "rubber stamp" all requests by the CSA. That the superintendent recommends and the board approves is a major aspect of the problem however, it is the incompetence of the elected board members to introspect his requests that must be scrutinized. The public embarrassment and humiliation caused by the actions of the board of education members and superintendent have devalued years of hard work and progressive accomplishments. The time has come for all people to look deep within their hearts and souls and ask themselves, " have we had enough?"

The investigative report conducted by Arnold Diaz which resulted with the CSA of Plainfield Public Schools earning a place in the Fox News Hall of Shame is listed below.